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About Us

    Welcome to the Song Group website (currently under construction). We are interested in nanophotonics, topological materials, quantum photonics, non-Hermitian physics, and thermal photonics. We engage in both theoretical and experimental studies. Our research finds applications in integrated devices, sustainable energy, and information processing.

    Dr. Song recently joined the University of Sydney as a senior lecturer. Previously, he was a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Shanhui Fan's group at Stanford University, where he studied various topics in nanophotonics, topological materials, and renewable energy. His thesis work was carried out in Prof. Claire Gmachl's group at Princeton University. There, he theoretically studied semiconductor quantum structures using techniques such as the non-equilibrium Green's functions. Experimentally, he developed several novel quantum-cascade light sources and detectors.

    We have two open Ph.D. positions. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at (at)